How often have you seen store shelves emptied of essential items just before a blizzard or hurricane is expected to hit? Why does that happen? Is it a shortage or a scarcity? Radio America’s Gianna Holiday explains the difference between the two concepts and how the free market responds to both situations.
The Broken Window Fallacy
Some economists and politicians believe that a silver lining to natural disasters and other destruction is that rebuilding is a huge boost to the local economy. But is restoring things the best use of money or is building additional value and growth even better? Radio America’s Nick Treglia details the “broken window fallacy” and what gives an economy the biggest boost.
Crowding Out and Government Debt
The federal government is sinking deeper and deeper into debt and that means it needs to borrow more and more money. Radio America’s Claire Alfree explains where that money comes from and why individuals and small businesses end up suffering in the process.
Investment in Infrastructure
You probably don’t think about it much, but you benefit from investment in American infrastructure many times every day – from the roads you drive on to the utilities in your home. How is infrastructure defined? What are the different approaches to building or upgrading our infrastructure? And how can it be done most responsibly? Radio America’s Joshua Davis reports.