Picking a credit card is one of the first major financial decisions a young adult makes, but not all credit cards are alike. Low interest rates, getting cash back, security, and accumulating airline miles or other perks are all incentives offered to win your business. Micah Rate explains how evaluating these offers often comes down to what you value most.
Hidden Taxes: The Unseen Costs
You pay taxes without even knowing it, and it happens a lot. From the gas pump to your cell phone bill, taxes are secretly bumping up the totals you pay. Micah Rate details how hidden taxes impact our lives in many ways and why understanding this is so important.
The Financial ABC’s of Starting A Small Business
Can you start a small business with just a little bit of money or do you need to raise a lot before getting started? What parts of a business are worth spending money on and which parts are less important? Sarah Schutte tackles the financial questions you need to answer before chasing your entrepreneurial dream.
Long-Term Investment
Planning for retirement doesn’t sound like much fun when you’re still in school but getting started as soon as possible can make a big difference because the banking bonanza known as compound interest. Jenna Suchyta walks us through the wide variety of options for long-term investment and how to begin the journey to your financial security.
Social Media: A Tool in the Professional World
Social media is a factor in almost every facet of our daily lives, but what are the best ways for young adults to harness the power of these sites for their own career advancement and the benefit of their employers or student organizations? Kaitie Pearson has the story.
College Degrees: Which Provide the Best Return on Investment?
With college tuition rates rising rapidly, millions of students are taking on significant student debt to get their degree. But which degrees are the best deal for all that money? Tim Pearce explains the pros and cons of public vs. private schools. He also details which majors are definitely worth the investment and which ones don’t make the grade.
How to Choose a Student Loan
Student loan debt is one of the biggest financial burdens for young adults. So what are the best ways to avoid debt in the first place and what are the best strategies for paying it off as painlessly as possible? Barbara Skoloutova reports.
Job Offers Versus the Cost of Living
Landing those first job offers after graduation is very exciting and the urge to accept is obviously strong. But will the compensation being offered be enough for you afford the necessities in life or leave you working hard and losing financial ground. Caitlin Schiffer reports.